Simplified Touch sensing for computer interaction

SPOKE will be able to use almost any conductive object or material to control almost any type of computer input! From music making, video game controlling, text-typing, mouse moving, software controlling and probably more we haven't thought of yet.

It will have 27 customisable inputs, each with its' own, also customisable, LED indicator light. There will also be connectors onboard for more advanced users to connect i2c devices for additional inputs or outputs. Making this perfect for beginners and experienced makers alike. 

Who is it for?


  • The SPOKE offers a simple way to create interactivity with computers using any type of object that can hold an electrical charge. A great way to educate about electrical properties and human-computer interaction. Check the EDUCATORS page for more information and project examples.


  • The SPOKE offers an easy way to add 26 capacitive touch inputs to your project. The firmware is circuitpython and is easily editable to suit your projects needs.


  • The SPOKE comes set up as a universal USB-MIDI device. So right out of the box it should work with your setup. You can use this to build custom midi instruments for 26 notes or controls. You can also edit the notes individually so they can play whatever scale you want it to, or play specific sequences, or chords, or a mix of all modes, with polyphonic capability! Attach objects using crocodile clips or nuts and bolts or just play it as a stand-alone device.


  • The board has been designed to be as easy as possible to create interactions with computers. It uses open-source hardware and software so it can be customised for your own ideas. If you have an idea but aren’t sure how to code it, get in touch and we can help you with it!

What materials does it work with?

As this uses capacitive touch, it works with a wide range of materials. Basically anything that has 'capacitive potential'. This can include:

  • Anything made from metal - From copper pipes, nuts and bolts, drawing pins, pewter figurines, silver wedding rings, brass keys, stainless steel spoons, copper and gold leaf also work well.

  • Organic materials - Fruit, vegetables and fungi all work. Plants too, but they tend to not be as reliable as foody bits.

  • Conductive Inks - Inks rich in graphite such as Bare Conductive ink allow you to paint on surfaces which then become conductive when the paint is dry.

  • Conductive Thread + Fabric - You can get threads and fabric that are embedded with conductive materials for soft controllers.

  • Conductive 3D printing filaments - You can print objects in conductive filament to create unique and complex touch objects.

  • Pencils - Pencils contain a lot of graphite, and when drawn with heavy, thick lines can be enough to work as a touch sensor!

  • Non Conductive Materials! - If there is enough of a conductive plate behind another non-conductive material, it can still alter the capacitance enough for the board to register a difference. For example, using tinfoil on the back of ply-wood, or the inside of seashells, will turn the surfaces into touch sensors!

